
Report: Digital Commerce
Current Trends and Figures

Digital Commerce Report 1H2024

The sector experienced a decline in deal numbers throughout 2023, with 1,063 transactions in 2H2023 compared to the 1,220 recorded in the first half of the year. Relative valuation multiples also showed a downward trajectory. However, M&A volumes have continued to track higher than in the years preceding the pandemic, and there has been increased deal activity in 1Q2024. Another indicator of ripening market conditions is the cracking open of the Digital Commerce IPO window.

Read the report for more details, including analysis of specific acquisitions, deal count, M&A value, revenue- and EBITDA-based valuations, trends, largest deals and top acquirers.

Hampleton’s Digital Commerce report focuses on subsectors such as Agencies & Service Providers; Digital Commerce Software; Internet Services & Portals; Online Retail; Media, Social & Gaming. The report includes:

  • Trends and analysis of deal activity
  • Deal geography
  • Top acquirers
  • Valuation metrics

Top Buyers

Accenture PLAYMAKER animoca_brands

The above graph covers the period between July 2018 and December 2023. Throughout the M&A report, median “trailing 30-month” multiples plotted in the graphs refer to the 30-month period prior to and including the half year or quarter.


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