
Hampleton Partners: Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions 

1) Hampleton GmbH (hereinafter referred to as 'Hampleton') invests great efforts in the research and analysis required to produce its reports. We therefore kindly ask you to respect the value of our reports and not to copy them or distribute them electronically or in any other way without our prior written consent.

2) Despite the utmost care that we at Hampleton take in producing these reports, no liability is accepted for the accuracy of our reports. Nor do we accept any responsibility for decisions that readers make based on these reports or for how readers apply the information contained therein or interpret our analyses and opinions that we provide in the reports.

3) The Hampleton reports are made available to those companies free of charge for one user per submitted email address. (An individual user is identified by a unique email address that was submitted to Hampleton with a request for a report and in connection with consent to receive one or more reports on a regular basis). In this context and in combination with paragraph 1 above, we expressly ask you not to distribute this report to others within your company. If you believe that a report may also be valuable for your colleagues, we kindly ask you not to simply forward it, but to point your colleagues to our homepage so that they can obtain their own copy (you are welcome to share this link:

4) Hampleton reserves the right to interrupt or stop publishing its reports at any time and/or to decide to no longer offer them free of charge.

5) In the event that Hampleton introduces a usage fee for its reports, existing subscribers will automatically be unsubscribed from our update service. They will be given the opportunity to subscribe to the now paid service.

6) As long as Hampleton offers its reports to companies free of charge, either as a single download or as a subscription, Hampleton reserves the right to name these companies as reference users for its research.

7) All copyrights to the reports remain with Hampleton.