
Report: Autotech & Mobility
Current Trends and Figures

Autotech & Mobility Report 1H2024

Convergence of the automotive and technology sectors has transformed every facet of the automotive industry to an unprecedented degree, from product development to manufacturing and distribution. The wide-scale transition towards electrification, connectivity, autonomous technology and new ownership models is disrupting the global automotive and mobility industry.

This report focuses on Autotech subsectors such as Enterprise Applications, Embedded Software & Systems, Internet Commerce & Content and Mobility & Fleet Management. It includes: 

  • Trends and analysis of deal activity
  • Deal geography
  • Top acquirers
  • Valuation metrics

Top Buyers

Modaxo MotorK valsoft-logo-2

The above graph covers the period between July 2018 and December 2023. Throughout this M&A report, median “trailing 30-month” multiples plotted in the graphs refer to the 30-month period prior to and including the half year.


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